​英语关键句型200+NO.12 I wonder 我在想/想知道(高频考点)

2024-10-04 22:40 来源:网络 点击:

英语关键句型200+NO.12 I wonder 我在想/想知道(高频考点)




"I wonder what time the movie starts."(我不知道电影什么时候开始。)"I wonder why she didn't come to the party."(我想知道她为什么没有来参加派对。)"I wonder if it will rain tomorrow."(我不确定明天是否会下雨。)"I wonder how they managed to finish the project so quickly."(我想知道他们是如何如此快地完成这个项目的。)



"I wonder why I didn't think of that before."(我惊讶自己之前为什么没有想到这个。)"I wonder how she can eat so much and not gain weight."(我惊讶她为什么可以吃这么多而不会长胖。)

"I wonder"也可以用于委婉地提出请求或询问。在这种情况下,它表达了一种礼貌和客气的态度。使用"I wonder"可以使请求或询问更加委婉和客气,避免给对方造成过多压力或不适。


"I wonder if you could help me with this problem."(我想知道你是否能帮我解决这个问题。)"I was wondering if you could lend me some money."(我想知道你是否可以借我一些钱。)"I wonder if it would be possible to reschedule our meeting."(我想知道是否有可能重新安排我们的会议。)

"I wonder"的常见考点

从句的语序:从句是陈述句的语序。 主语+ 谓语,


I wonder what's the matter with you. (正确)

I wonder what  the matter is with you. (错误)

从句的主谓一致:确保从句中的主语和谓语动词在人称和数上保持一致。例如:"I wonder if he is coming."(我想知道他是否要来。)


连接词的选用:因为wonder 有疑问的含义,所以后面的疑问词根据句子缺的成分来确定

所有例句的影音资料点击本人的视频专辑 《看剧学句型》 收看。强烈建议反复看,反复体会,这比单独看100遍语法会更有效。

I wonder if I know what you mean.我不确定是否明白你的意思I wonder if you wonder.我不确定你是否真不确定I wonder if you'll be glad to see me upon your return.我想知道,你回来时见到我是否会很高兴Dr Bean, when we get home, I wonder...When we get home, I wonder if you would mind giving me a private moment with my wife.憨豆先生,我在想到家以后...到家以后 不知道你是否介意让我跟我太太独处一阵子。If she did happen to write to you, I wondered if you could let me know,如果她写信给你了不知你是否能让我知道I wonder if her hair would be white.我想知道如今她是否会白发苍苍I was wondering if you'd be guardian to my kids.我在想,你能不能做我孩子的监护人I was wondering if we could meet up for drinks tonight.我在想今晚,我们是不是可以去喝一杯I was wondering if...it might be time to start talking about getting a divorce.我在想,也许是时间开始讨论我们的离婚了——So, what do you think? 你怎么想

——Wondering if I...should hold out for a view.我在想...该不该再看看有没有风景更好的I wonder what's out there 不知道那里有什么I wonder what that means.也不知道写的是什么I wonder what they're up to.不知道他们在干什么I wonder what they're doing now.真想知道他们现在在做什么I wonder what's been bothering Hunter.我想知道什么事最近一直困扰着亨特I am wondering what I'm going to tell my little girl about who you are.我只是在想我要怎么跟我女儿说你是谁l wonder why我想知道 为什么I wonder why nobody wants them.真奇怪为什么没人喜欢这些I wonder why those little guys are giving your video all those hearts?不知道这些小家伙为什么要给你的视频心心I wonder why nobody wants to bounce with me.为什么没有人肯陪我跳跳呢You've been wondering why I've been acting strange all day? 你一定奇怪为什么我一整天都有点古怪I wonder why that is! 我想知道为什么You know 'cause I was wondering why you didn't talk to me.你知道不?因为我刚还在想为什么你不想跟我说话I wonder how that got in there.那硬币哪来的I wonder how my grandpa is golfing with.不知道阿公怎么打高尔夫球Judy, you ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so darn happy?朱迪, 你想没想过你妈妈和我为什么这么幸福吗?then I wondered how I'd feel...after abdicating my role as Princess of Genovia.之后我在想...放弃吉诺维亚公主的头衔之后会是什么感觉I WAS WONDERING WHEN THAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN.-我刚就在琢磨这场景什么时候会发生but I was wondering when you might be coming back into the office.但我想知道你什么时候能回办公室Man, I sure do miss Chirag. Wondering when he's coming back?嘿 我真想齐拉格 他什么时候回来 How I wonder where you're at - How I wonder where you're at- 我想知道你在哪- 我想知道你在哪I wonder where she is.我也想知道她去哪儿了I wonder...where exactly is it he goes to work of evenings.他晚上究竟到哪去工作I was wondering where you where.我想知道当时你在哪I wonder where 我想知道在哪里